Media and Communication

Press release & outreach

Press release:


A short transferable outreach workshop to nonscientific communities such as high school students and the wider community describing the basic technologies of BAYFLEX is planned with the help of the cultural center ‘La Rotonde’- Explora (IMT-Mines St Etienne),  This gamified workshop will be used at events like the ‘festival of science’ and the ‘European nights of science’ at the two academic laboratories in France and at general outreach events in Spain and Germany. Pilots will be first tested in dedicated facility - Explora campus in Saint Etienne city. A prototype will be available and tested during the summer school in June.

Seminars and courses:

  • TU Dresden: Capita Selecta – KU Leuven – May 2023
  • CNRS: Lecture/Lab-Introduction to semiconductors – Nov 2023

Summer school:

The Summer School on Organic Electronics and Neuromorphic Systems (June 17-20, 2024) will consist of a comprehensive set of classes aimed at doctoral or postdoctoral level researchers from both industry and academia. The program consists of lectures, tutorials, advanced discussion groups, students will expand and refine their knowledge of organic materials, devices and circuits for microelectronics, as well as of neuromorphic devices and circuits with the world’s leading experts in these fields.

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